The Association is seeking three (3) candidates for election to the Board of Directors. Two positions will be filled for a three-year term, and one position will be filled for a one-year term. The election will take place at the 2024 Annual Meeting to be held on November 6, 2024.
The Board is asking for nominations for the positions available at the 2024 Annual Meeting. It is in your best interest to have qualified individuals serve on the Board. Consequently, we urge you to seriously consider being a candidate for the Board and to encourage other qualified owners to do so. Your success as an Association and the equity investment in your home depends on a high level of interest and participation on the part of all owners. If you would like to run for election to the Board of Directors, please complete the enclosed NOMINATING PETITION and ELECTION BIO FORM and return it by mail or email to
Secretary, The Moorlands Homeowners Association, Inc.
c/o Cardinal Management Group, LLC
4330 Prince William Parkway Suite 201
Woodbridge, Virginia 22192
Nominating Petitions must be received no later than Thursday, October 10, 2024, twenty-five (25) days before the 2024 Annual Meeting on Tuesday, November 6, 2024, and must be signed by the candidate and five (5) other owners.
The Board of Directors looks forward to seeing you at the meeting. Please contact me at (703) 565-5010 or by email at with any questions.